
Organizational and Personnel Economics

What do Employee Referral Programs (ERPs) Do? Measuring the Direct and Overall Effects of a Management Practice  (with Matthias Heinz, Mitchell Hoffman and Nick Zubanov), forthcoming, Journal of Political Economy 

The Long-term Consequences of a Pay Change (with Miriam Krüger), forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics

Incentives to Discover Talent (with Tobias Brunner, Richard Holden and Suraj Prasad), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol. 38 (2), July 2022, 309-344

The Effect of Announced Downsizing on Workplace Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain  (with Matthias Heinz, Ingo Weller and Nick Zubanov), Research in Labor Economics, 2022, vol 49, 179-205

Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover and Performance: A Long-term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain (with Matthias Heinz and Nick Zubanov), Management Science, vol. 68 (1), 2022, 211-229 

Gender Differences in Social Interactions (with Marie Lalanne, Bernard Richter, Peter Schwardmann and Paul Seabright), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 186, 2021, 33-45.

Market Competition and Effectiveness of Performance Pay: Evidence from the Field (with Matthias Heinz, Pooyan Khashabi, Tobias Kretschmer and  Nikolay Zubanov), Organization Science, vol. 32 (2), 2021, 334-351

Trust the Police? Self-Selection of Motivated Agents into the German Police Force (with Michael Kosfeld and Gerd Thielmann) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 11 (4), 2019, 59-78.

Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain (with Matthias Heinz, Miriam Krüger and Nikolay Zubanov), American Economic Review, vol. 107 (8), 2017, 2168-2203.

The Firm as the Locus of Social Comparisons: Internal Labor Markets Versus Up-or-Out (with Emmanuelle Auriol and Frauke Lammers/von Bieberstein), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 121, 2016, 41-59.

Resisting Moral Wiggle Room: How Robust is Reciprocity? (with Michael Kosfeld, Julija Kulisa and Joël van der Weele), American Journal of Economics: Microeconomics, vol. 6 (3), 2014, 256-264.

Parental Leave: A Policy Evaluation of the Swedish Daddy-Month Reform (with John Ekberg and Rickard Ericksson), Journal of Public Economics, vol. 97, 2013, 131-143.

Whistle-blowing and Incentives in Firms (with Sergei Guriev), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 21, 2012: 1007-1027, CEPR Discussion Paper #4861.

Do Women Have Longer Conversations? Telephone Evidence of Gendered Communication Strategies (with Paul Seabright), Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 32, 2011, 348–356.

Team Governance: Empowerment or Hierarchical Control (with Wendelin Schnedler), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 78, 2010, 1–13.

Resource Allocation and Organizational Form (with Michael Raith), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 2, 2010, 1-33. 

Fighting for Talent: Risk-shifting, Corporate Volatility, and Organizational Change (with Mariassunta Giannetti), Economic Journal, vol. 119, 2010,  1344-1373.

A Note on CEO Compensation, Elimination Tournaments and Bankruptcy Risk (with Alexander Matros), Economics of Governance, vol. 6, 2004, 105-11. 

Abuse of Authority and Hierarchical Communication (with Michael Raith), The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 35, 2004, 224-44.

Career Concerns in Teams (with Emmanuelle Auriol and Lambros Pechlivanos), Journal of Labor Economics, vol. 20, 2002, 289-307.


Institutional Economics

The 30 Years’ War and Violent Crime in the Late 19th Century (with Matthias Heinz, Stefan Pasch and Navid Sabet), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 208, 2023, 191-202

Crime and Education in a Model of Information Transmission (with Darwin Cortes and Dario Maldonado), Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, vol. 91, 2020, 71-93.

The Schubert Effect: When Flourishing Businesses Crowd Out Human Capital (with Jibirila Leinyuy and Paul Seabright), World Development, vol. 68, 2015, 124-135.

Media Slant against Foreign Owners: Downsizing (with Matthias Heinz), Journal of Public Economics, vol. 120, 2014, 97-106.

Management Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in Russia (with Helena Schweiger), Open Economies Review, vol. 24, 2013, 763-788.

Xenophobic Attacks, Migration Intentions and Networks: Evidence from the South of Africa (with Juan-Miguel Gallego and Maria-Pia Mendola), Journal of Population Economics, vol. 26, 2013, 555-591.

Club-in-the-Club: Reform under Unanimity (with Erik Berglöf, Mike Burkart and Elena Paltseva), Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 40, 2012, 492-507.

Widening and Deepening: Reforming the European Union (with Erik Berglöf, Mike Burkart and Elena Paltseva), American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), vol. 98, 2008, 133-37.

Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-financed Migration (with Sergei Guriev), Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 4, 2006, 1085-1111.

Attaching Workers Through In-kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia (with Sergei Guriev), The World Bank Economic Review, vol. 19, 2005, 175-202.

A Positive Theory of Give-away Privatization (with Olivier Debande), International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 22, 2004, 1309-25.

Bureaucracies in the Russian Voucher Privatisation, The Economics of Transition, vol. 8, 2000, 37-57.

Organisational Issues of Trade and Services Privatisation in Russia, Economic Systems, vol. 19, 1995, 25-58.



Product Market Deregulation's Winners and Losers: US Railroads between 1981 and 2001 (with Laura Padilla Angulo and Gerard McCullough), Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy, 53 (3), 2019, 212-237.

Patterns of Restructuring: The U.S. Class 1 Railroads from 1984 to 2004 (with Gerard McCullough and Laura Padilla), Journal of Transportation Economics and Policy, vol. 48, 2014, 115-135.

Railway (De)Regulation – A European Efficiency Comparison (with Marc Ivaldi and Catherine Vibes), Economica, vol. 77, 2010, 77-91.

The Functioning of Inter-modal Competition in the Transportation Market: Evidence from the Entry of Low-cost Airlines in Germany (with Marko Niffka), Review of Network Economics, vol. 8, 2009, 189-211.

Railroad Restructuring in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe: One Solution for All Problems? (with Elizaveta Cheviakhova, Sergei Guriev, Russell Pittman and Anna Tomová), Transport Reviews, vol. 27, 2007, 251-71.